Well, I saw this one girl in her blog clad up in this 'plaid shirt' before.(never know it is called as plaid shirt until Ainna mentioned about it..haha!). I only refer to it as checked-print shirt. So when I was goofing around the KB Mall back in trimester break, I saw this shirt on the piles of RM10 case. The girl in that blog and her shirt came across my mind all of a sudden. I also personally think that the check-printed shirt depicts the 'indie's darling'. So, I picked up this shirt without any hesitation cos it's so cheap and the color is nice (combination of blue,yellow, and orange).
I bought the belt above at RM2 from a thrift stall@Pasar Pagi Shah Alam. I'm a cheapskate, so I do always love cheap stuffs and lowest bargain. Mind again that my brand-new plaid shirt is only RM10. I'm not a fashion victim, I only hunt for cheap-but-nice fashion items. I quote a verse from 'Pork and Beans' by Weezer that definitely pictures me well, hehe..
...I ain't gonna wear the clothes that you like
I'm finally dandy with the me inside
One look in the mirror and I'm tickled pink
I don't give a hoot about what you think..
Yay! thanx for doing the tag;D
i sgt suke the colours combination! Yupp "i dont give a hoot what u think!" screw anyone who thinks watever. we're just expressing ourself in our own way and wore things that makes us as us!;)
hahah..ya lah.."come as you are" said Kurt Cobain.
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