Today I realize that I had missed the 'blogging world' for 21 days! Almost the same duration with the Zionist devastation on the Palestinian land. All these while I had spent my time reading a book on "In Search of the Truth" (not the real title) and followed the news on the heartless invasion. Today I had just finished reading 'that book'.
After reading several blogs (particularly Tukar Tiub) and the news, I can infer that the invasion was not a war between the Jews and the Muslims. My previous thought was wrong. It was actually a war initiated by the Zionist regime on the basis of political ill-wills, ie to expand their powers. Judaism (the religion of the Jews) and the 'unadulterated Torah' (known as The Holy Book of Taurat by the Muslims) condemned such malicious act. In fact, I had came across an article in The Star, 18 January on 'Jews against Zionism'. The article conveys that the religious Jewish groups (Neturei Karta, Satmar & Dushinski) said that Torah forbids a Jewish state established by force and reject Zionism in the name of their religion!
Though it is clear that it was not a war between the religions, I would like to state my point of views based on the reading materials which I had been referred all these days, to highlight the grassroot of the problem. The main conflict concerns over the concept of a 'chosen race' and the particular piece of the Middle East was granted to Jews as a 'Promised Land'. This is the belief adopted by the Zionism, the nationalistic colonialist concept. Muslims, on the other hand believe all human beings to be the loved creations of God and that no race is chosen above another. All races are equal in Islam. Islam even acknowledged the concept on the 'Freedom of Religion'. Refer to Al-Kafirun (109:6); Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion.
Zionism adopted the wrong interpretation of Judaism which has been very much corrupted. The bloodthirsty massacres in the conquest of the already occupied 'Promised Land' (the state of Israel) was not enjoined by the Torah. Zionist had relied upon this false notion while slaughtering their enemies or extending their territories, claiming that they were commanded by God to do so. Such claim was intolerable, for if some are 'chosen' it means that the others are 'rejected' and beyond hope!
The tendency to blind fanaticism by the Jewish is spelled out in the Holy Quran. Please refer to Chapter Al-Baqarah (2:84-85). Verse 47 pointed out that the Jewish is the 'chosen race', mainly because the Prophets were chosen from their tribe (Moses A.S, Isa A.S, Jacob A.S, Yahya A.S), but that doesn't mean that they can do anything at their whims and fancies. They are not 'the chosen' because they are superior than others, but because the prophets were chosen among them.
Nevertheless, the Jews had misused the merits given by Allah towards them. They became snobbish, stubborn, and refused to adhere to the path of truth brought by Moses A.S. There are a number of verses where Allah had stressed out on their tribe, usually begin with 'Ya Bani Israel!'. Allah's word in Chapter Al-Baqarah, on the expropriation of "Palestinian land" in Verse 84-85 is indeed true (Please refer!). This is the Miracle of Al-Quran, where it can predicts the occurence of future event! The Holy Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad from AD610 to AD 632 whereas the state of Israel (the expropriation of the Palestinian land by the Jews) came into existence in 1947. What a miracle, Subhanallah!
That is the view in Islam.
I had also taken note on the views of other religion (ie on the Judaism previously) and the Christians. According to the Bible, in the passage Matthew (23:37-39), "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem - killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, but you would not! Behold, your hose is forsaken and desolate. I tell you, you will not see me again until you say 'Blessed is who comes in the name of the Lord". Clearly, the tendency of the ignorant Jews with the fatal consequences had also been spelled out.
What I can summarize now is that all religions condemned the act of Zionism!
Israel-Palestinian conflicts are not a war of religions. Crusades are over. Zionism are political movement strayed away from their roots. They are a portion of the Jewish fanaticism!
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