But this guy had cured my tense and sorrows. He never fails to make my day. I heart my gewe to pieces.=) We had our lunch at Johnny's (his favorite place to date, saya tak tau apa Uncle Johhnys letak dalam sup dia sampai gewe saya jd addicted, mungkin resipi celup seluar dalam kot), before we watched Budak Kelantan.
My bad hair day started when I forgot to shampoo my hair and it's so oily and sticky. Hehehe. Then I went to JJ for lunch and only after we reached home I forgot that I haven't go to Maybank to pay the rental.*sigh*. This poor miss scatterbrain had to turn back to the bank. And the most unfortunate incident which turned herself as mad as march hare was when she noticed that she lost her student ID Card, meaning that she cannot entered the library and the most fatal consequence, she will have to 'donate' RM50 to the security, paying off her clumsiness. She went broke this week.
What do I think about that RM50, I can eat Kenny Rogers, or big feast@William Kelana Jaya, or bodoh bodoh bodoh.
leaving on a jet plane...ngeh..ngeh...
aku balik next weeeeeekkkk...~
rm 50..wakakaka..padan muko..
tiey:yo ko?bestnyoooo.jeles aku.:(
faridz:td mitok rm10 jah nge security..ngehehe
slamat berxm!
takdi napok kete demo kt gate blake.
kuat baco.
nok wak guano...srabut glo ni...hehehe.slamat berxm jugok.sapo suruh amek cuti tok kabar igt..:P
huish hanim..rm50 bulih topup rm10 limo kali..dok pung topup rm5 sepuluh kali..wak kecek telipong ngan gewe sedak jgk..hehe
izack:dok dok...tadi keno rm10 jah.pok guard baik..dio bg buat temporary..hehehehe...nasib baik!:D
sedak ko budak kelantan?
not bad laa..tp rasa mcm bosan sikit..hehe
It's just a student i.d. card for goodness sake! Sampai nak charge orang Rm50 pulak! Memang money-making university...
RM50 to an exclusive club I percaya la. Rm50 to a university, which I pay thousands every sem...I don't think so!
natalie:yea actually they're supposed to impose rm 60 (10 for fine and 50 for new smart card), but the guard baik hati, so he suggested to pay rm10 only for temporary ID card and its valid until JUNE 2009!hehehe.so i tak perlu buat smart card baru laa..:P
bulih doh nok nikoh tu
payed pun koho kedepey perut
romantik la uolls'
pjoe: payed koho kurus la loni..die diet tok makan malam..hehehe
muahahhaa...nak air bau getek...hahaha
lamo mikir gapo tu air bau...baru nakak..hahahah.air wongi laa..hahaha
wahhh sygnyee kat gewe...hee!
haha.. aku tgk blog ko ni da mcm chedet nyer blog da. ramai btol org comment..wakakkakak *tak masal*
wey.. id card ilang ker? aduh.. awat nya sampai rm50 hengget. nak mmpos ape mmu neh.. *emo*
camne exam friday aritu..settle da kan? ape yg sembelit..kompius aku. hehe..
wey..apesal adik ko dpt prezent dr daddy ko? dia dpt dean list ek..heheh..
bykkan solan aku tanyer (=_=)'
haa last question, best tak citer budak kelantan??
miss nayrell: hihi mesti laaa..:D
fana: meh aku jawab satu2 soalan ko tu..
1)che det tu 300 comment kot...mmg tak laa....jauh langit dari bumi...
2)haa id card aku hilang.tp aku byr rm10 je utk fine dan temporary tapi valid smpai june 2009.kira aku tak renew dah la lpas ni.hehehe
3) exam ok jeee.haha aku mengalami masalah penyahtinjaan hari tu..:P..tu dapat mc hari tu..hehe
4)sbb parfum dia habis.pastu dia mintak baru.ngada ngada btol.
5) plot dia biasa biasa je..tp agak kelakar laa...=)
haaa aku dah jwb smua dah..hehe.takpe ngn ko aku x kesah byk tnye pun...hehe
bgs bgs.. aku bg ko mark 99%
tak dpt full mark sbb ade kesalahan tatabahasa. (tah mane2 tah)
ok..aku yakin mesti ko jwb pekse aritu mcm jwb solan aku ni kan..
caya lahhh !! hahah
dan saya fana:
kalau cemerlang macam ni mmg bagus laa...hahahaha..3.99 la jawabnya aku (dalam mimpi).akakak
penderma yang baik hati..dengar cita ada org tu nak dapat duit..kena pow ni..wakakaka
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