Sunday, February 15, 2009


It was a humid and sunny day, yet it was not an obtrusive reason for my scheduled plan with my loved one. Ohhh NOOOOO!!! we didn't go to the National Zoo purposely to celebrate the Valentine's Day. In fact, I never celebrate Valentine until this time being. Well, not because of some religious reasons, but I just feel awkward. I had once told my guy "Everyday is our Hari Kasih Sayang" kan? I went there for the sake of 'learning' and catching the first-hand glimpses of these divine creations.
Wearing Miss Selfridge top and MNG slim fit jeans

Seeing these creatures cherishing the moments with their loved one..

And there are some which still searching for their soul-mates..

And me?? I had found my other half..Heehee!

BTW, Slamat 'Hari Kasih Sayang' everyone.=)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Kereta Buatan Ford

Jikalau ditakdirkan suatu hari nanti saya akan menjadi kaya-raya, mungkin saya akan mempertimbangkan untuk membeli kereta-kereta ilham Henry Ford dan sekutunya dari jenis berikut:
Atau mungkin yang ini...

Yang ini pun boleh juga...Boleh la buat pegi pasar..Confirm orang tengok babe! Dilihat Hitler juga pernah menggunakan model yang seakan-akan sama..

Mengapa saya begitu bercita-cita untuk menggunakan kereta buatan Ford? Kerana saya kagum dengan sejarah Henry Ford (Pengasas Ford sendiri) yang begitu lantang menentang puak Yahudi yang licik dan zalim. Kalau diikutkan sejarah, Henry Ford dan Adolf Hitler saling meminati satu sama lain. Hitler meletakkan bingkai gambar Ford di sebelah mejanya dan berkata, "I regard Henry Ford as my inspiration,". Ford juga telah mendedahkan resipi dan rahsia konspirasi jahat puak Yahudi di dalam akhbar 'The Dearborn Independent' melalui artikel bertajuk "Protocols of the Learned Elders Zion". Semenjak dari itu, puak Yahudi mula mengecam tindakan Ford. Ford akhirnya terpaksa tunduk dan meminta maaf, tetapi tidak menafikan kebenaran Protokol-Protokol terbabit.

Menurut Ford, "The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on". Ketika peristiwa Nuremberg Trial, ramai askar-askar Jerman mengatakan bahawa mereka mendapat ilham dari HenryFord itu sendiri.

Menurut Protokol-Protokol terbabit, Ford telah mendedahkan konspirasi jahat puak Zionis Yahudi yang bagi mereka hanya ada dua bangsa di muka bumi ini, iaitu Yahudi dan bukan Yahudi (dikenali sebagai 'Gentile') yang disifatkan oleh mereka sebagai bodoh dan senang dipijak-pijak. Protokol ini telah meramalkan bahawa suatu hari nanti media massa akan dikawal oleh puak Zionis ini yang mana pihak Barat juga akan tunduk kepadanya. Mereka juga mentafsirkan agama Judaism secara extreme dan menganggap bahawa mereka adalah kaum yang terpilih untuk mentadbir dunia. Dari situ, semua rancangan-rancangan Zionis telah dihuraikan. Sila 'wiki' untuk keterangan lanjut..

Saya juga tertarik dengan kata-kata Hitler yang berikut, "I could have annihilated all the Jews in the world but I left some so that the world would know why I did that". (Saya berupaya untuk membunuh semua Yahudi di bumi ini tapi saya tinggalkan sedikit supaya dunia tahu mengapa saya berbuat demikian).

Mungkin kenyataan ini berbaur agak racist, tapi jika diaplikasikan untuk kejahatan puak Zionis dan puak Yahudi yang menyokong Zionis, kenyataan ini memang tepat sekali.

Henry Ford memang GENIUS. Dan Hitler pula walaupun kejam, saya menganggap beliau tergolong dalam kumpulan 'hero' juga.

Monday, February 09, 2009

The 'dirty game'

The recent political drama packed with mixed emotions from both parties had getting on my nerves. Day by day I am getting more perplexed with the twisted facts and opinions from politicians, bloggers, experts, etc.. Now, I cling on to the principles in Islam, that 'human knowledges are limited, and only God knows the best'. As what my father said, there is no right side in politics, which are all about dirty-game and the cunning-skills competitions among their players. But I am still inclined to my threshold(on whom I think a better one).. On the party-hopping issues, I don't agree with the kangaroos or the grasshoppers, whoever had initiated it (whether Anwar or the other side), unless they are willing to call for a fresh-election after they jumped to the other side.

What had driven me to such confusions?

1) The opinions of the Constitutional experts. Prof Shad Saleem Faruqi said the MB can be removed after referring to the Interpretation Act. Prof Abd Aziz Bari on the other hand (in a polite manner after reiterating that we cannot blame the Sultan), stated that the two appropriate suggestions a are either to revoke the appointment of Zambry & to allow Nizar to be reinstated or to dissolve the assembly.

2) The divergence of opinions within the party members/supporters. Within the BN, Tun Dr M, Ku Li, and Rais Yatim seemed opposed to this action. And surprisingly within the PR, few hours back Karpal Singh had criticized DSAI on party-hopping issues, claiming that he is not a suitable figure to be a PR leader. Huhh, what an absurd contradictions. Period.

3) Please read this. Where some may say that the Interpretation Act would be applied in this situation, there is a limitation. The Act does not apply where "there is something in the subject or context inconsistent with or repugnant to the application". The inconsistency can be reverted back to the Perak's Constitution, particularly Art 16(6) and (7). Well, read that article. Too lengthy to be explained.

*Hoping that someone will not be send to the asylum*

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

My feedback on "Syurga-Islam"

This morning I came upon a blasphemous blog, 'Syurga Islam', which had blatantly insulted Islam. From the postings, the author stated that he/she is a free-thinker. When I tried to access the blog again just now, it had been blocked and opened to invited readers only(when I has been ready to post my feedback to the author). I am not a pious Muslim nor a religious scholar, but I feel that it is my obligation(the obligations of all Muslims) to defend our religion at the highest notch of our knowledges and capabilities.

The most inferior 'iman' is to detest whatever is munkar to our hearts..

I could not remember all the author's point in the latest entry, but I would state 4 salient points which are lingering in my mind and my opinions to such irresponsible remarks.

1. The author challenged the existence of God and questioned on Allah's the Almighty Power and if Allah does not depend from all other entities, He doesn't need any form of worshipping.

: On the existence of God, my justification is on the 'first cause' of the Universe. There must be a 'First Cause' to every creations. Can you imagine any creations without a Creator? Let say the whole universe existed by itself, how can it came into an existence of such a well-arranged order without the planets and the stars collided with each other?

There must be some 'superior power' to order their movement. Even in Physics, the 'Theory of Momentum' states that 'the total momentum' of any closed system which is not affected by external forces cannot change. There is an element of 'force'. So who 'force' this whole universe?

:Why we have to worship Allah?: The word Islam itself means 'the wilful submission to Allah'. The Muslims believed that we are all His creations. Only when you are searching the true path of Islam, you can feel your tremendous love to Allah above anything else. When you love Allah, you must always want to keep-in-touch with Allah, remembering Allah all the time. That's why the Muslims have to performs the fard salah, reciting Quran and Du'a. I give one reasoning. If you fall in love with a sapien of your opposite sex or you love your family, do you want to 'keep-in-touch' with them or stay away from them?

2. The author stated that Islam are racially-biased and enjoined his followers to commit persecution.

: Islam acknowledges the practice of 'freedom of religion'. Refer to the Holy Quran, Chapter Al-Kafirun (109:6); "Unto you your religion, unto me my religion".
Islam also enjoys their followers to mix around with other races and to live in peace. Refer to Chapter Al-Hujurat (49:13); "O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you nations and tribe so that you may come to know one another".

3. The author quoted verse number 5 from the Chapter of At-Tawbah (9:5), which he claimed to inculcate hatred among the Muslims towards other religions.

: This is not true. The author did not make a thorough research on the historical period where and why the verses had been revealed. In fact, if the author moved to verse 6 of the same Chapter, the author would have been acknowledged that Allah ordered those war combatants to grant the protections towards their war enemies if they seek protection. If they refused to accept the words of Allah, THE ENEMIES SHOULD BE ACQUITTED, NOT TO BE KILLED. Please refer the verse and its interpretation for further validation.

4. The author put forward a quotation from Albert Einstein pertaining to God and science, which justified the irrelevancy of the concept of God in life.

: Even in Science, the further discovery can annulled the previous discovery. But this 'fluctuation of human knowledge' does not occurs in any Allah's words in Al Quran. Take for example, the shape of our earth had been opened to floodgates of scientist debates. The earlier century claimed that the earth is flat, whereas the latter discovery conformed that it is spherical. Human knowledge is limited.

" Muslims when we've been deceived, we can't stay silent." - Tuan Guru Dato' Haji Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, Kelantan Chief Minister

Sunday, February 01, 2009


Excuse me for the massive amounts of pictures uploaded. I am superfluously thrilled at my newly acquired lesson on Adobe Photoshop CS3. All of these pictures were captured in Putrajaya by my guy. It's so wonderful to walk around the green scenery with my loved one, listening to the soothing melody of the birds chirping and watching butterflies flying around even I have to reach there at 9AM.

I'm wearing thrifted floral dress, Coach Signature swingpack, and flat by Vincci

The infamous Tingkat 4 from far..

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