The recent political drama packed with mixed emotions from both parties had getting on my nerves. Day by day I am getting more perplexed with the twisted facts and opinions from politicians, bloggers, experts, etc.. Now, I cling on to the principles in Islam, that 'human knowledges are limited, and only God knows the best'. As what my father said, there is no right side in politics, which are all about dirty-game and the cunning-skills competitions among their players. But I am still inclined to my threshold(on whom I think a better one).. On the party-hopping issues, I don't agree with the kangaroos or the grasshoppers, whoever had initiated it (whether Anwar or the other side), unless they are willing to call for a fresh-election after they jumped to the other side.
What had driven me to such confusions?
1) The opinions of the Constitutional experts. Prof Shad Saleem Faruqi said the MB can be removed after referring to the Interpretation Act. Prof Abd Aziz Bari on the other hand (in a polite manner after reiterating that we cannot blame the Sultan), stated that the two appropriate suggestions a are either to revoke the appointment of Zambry & to allow Nizar to be reinstated or to dissolve the assembly.
2) The divergence of opinions within the party members/supporters. Within the BN, Tun Dr M, Ku Li, and Rais Yatim seemed opposed to this action. And surprisingly within the PR, few hours back Karpal Singh had criticized DSAI on party-hopping issues, claiming that he is not a suitable figure to be a PR leader. Huhh, what an absurd contradictions. Period.
3) Please read this. Where some may say that the Interpretation Act would be applied in this situation, there is a limitation. The Act does not apply where "there is something in the subject or context inconsistent with or repugnant to the application". The inconsistency can be reverted back to the Perak's Constitution, particularly Art 16(6) and (7). Well, read that article. Too lengthy to be explained.
*Hoping that someone will not be send to the asylum*
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1 hour ago
wow!..sukar nak paham kalau hanim tidak bikin tulisan dalam bahasa melayu...kekeke
baik BN ataupun PR,dlm isu lompat parti mmg aku sgt2 x setuju..politik ni kotor..politik ni seolah2 nk memperbodohkan org..cthnye ezam..sblm msk BN bkn main lg kutuk BN..dah lompat BN bkn main lg kutuk PR.pity silly lily.
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