Tuesday, October 28, 2008

DeepaRaya at my place

As I was too busy with the preparation of finals (which was a persistent annoyance) while the other peoples were celebrating it, I had to adjourn my own celebration. Hence, me and my two other sisters came out with another plan, to organize a mini-celebration yesterday on the 26th of Eid, which also fell on the Deepavali Day. So, we aptly called it as a Deeparaya Open-House.

I had cordially invited a few close friends only, whereas some others were outside the hometown (blame MMU for arranging unparallel trimester breaks with other institutions). Mum bought some of the food (the roti jala and ketupat), mom cooked the fried mee, kuzi and rendang (the gravy for roti jala and ketupat) while I prepared some of the desserts(the Trifle, royal pudding, and kek batik). My two other sisters did the cocktail jelly and cleaned up the dishes.

All in all, I am somewhat satisfied with it, although to a certain extent I think it was not well-executed. I should have arranged the chairs at one corner so that everyone can fairly took the food. My sister's officemates sat on the dining table for long hours at their own frolic till I have to serve the food on the coffee-table to my friends.*Grumpy*
Meet my friends. The sole representative of kaum adam, mr darabdua (Gua syak lu malu malu dengan gadis-gadis ni. Patut la lu senyap jap bila gadis-gadis ni datang.Tak jadi nak makan dua hari.Dok berat ke malu la..)
My two sisters seemed so fatigue after the guests went back

The Leftovers:
The Trifle
Roti Jala and Kuzi Ayam
Cocktail Jelly
Keropok Ikan


Nayrell said...

Hanimmm!Enuff with the food pics!Sgt la terliur tgk2 all the food entry yg u posted!i tak dpt mkn...gigit jari ajala saya nmpknya!sigh...=( nnti sume dh blk i nak organize potluck dinner la, purposely sebab i nak u bawak mknn2 yg u msk including the desert!so nnti i boleh rase and mkn!ngeh;p

Wan Farhanim said...

miss nayrell: chill2.you pun byk pegi open house kan?haha..holiday jee i ada chances nak makan sedap sedap.u best laaa...duduk rumahh..hehe.i was thinking of potluck jugak!!cos i tgk wanis buat dgn kwn2 die mcm best jee....hehe..ok set!kite buat while celebrating raghu belated bday pn ok jugak..:D

tiey said...

baju pink tu eamy ko?

Wan Farhanim said...

dok...izzah la..

Darab Dua said...

hoh! mmmg gua malu gaban. kena pulak gadis tuh syok pungpangpungpang. lg malu gua. kan senyap saja mmg tak kena. haha~

oah.. namo dio trifle nge cocktail jelly. haha. trifle tuh mmg solid!

Unknown said...

sedap tu roti jala ngan kuzi..nak sikit//pernagap takpoz

Wan Farhanim said...

darab dua:lu memang bijak cover malu.haha

ilovebudu: perangap?haha

natche said...

Hanimmm!!!! I agree with Ainna's idea on potluck dinner. I wanna try the roti jala and the trifle!!!! Yum Yum! Now, I wish I am staying in Kelantan so that I can drop by your hse for the raya celebration.

Unknown said...


Faridz Yunus said...

semua makanan tu bukan hanim yang masak..dia hanya pemerhati..wakakakka

Wan Farhanim said...

nat: yea i was thinking of her idea too! so that each of us can bring our own dishes and i pun boleh try apa yg korang masak skali.:P

ilovebudu:eh tau tau tu.prangak dehh..hehe..

faridz:dengki!underestimate org skmo.:(

petai said...

sedapnyo makane...terliur aku...tmbah2 hok kuzi aye n roti jala tu...huhuhuhuhu..

Wan Farhanim said...

roti jala tu tempah jah...btw sapo nis?

Anasir said...


sambutan masyarakat majmuk!

Mana maruku, tosei?

kata deeparaya.. :)

petai said...

cherrybomb said...
roti jala tu tempah jah...btw sapo nis? ----> mcji lah!

Wan Farhanim said...

anasir: deeparaya pada nama jah...indian cuisines takdok...:P

mcjie:haha mung stalking blog aku dehh