*Taking a short break (15 mins) from burning the midnight oil, while sipping a cup of coffee.
Seeing the school kids recently struggling for SPM invites me back to my alma mater. Honestly, I believe that SPM is not the supreme life arbitrator. You got straight As, it might be your turning point (but it doesn't fully guarantees your dream comes true). You failed to get straight As, it is not the end of your world. Einstein who failed a number of times at college became a supreme prominent scientist. Bill Gates who was once a university drop-out became the wealthiest man in the world. Nobody expect he was a genius, and at the age of his late adulthood he earned a degree in law from Harvard law school.
Life is so unpredictable.
I remembered I was enrolled into Mara Junior Science College (MRSM) when I was 16. During the orientation week, we were told to memorize the 'Warisan' song, (a song to enhance the spirits of the Malays and wake us up from the daydream). I liked the spiritual lyrics which highlighted the Malay dilemma and the significance of the unity and endeavours. One thing made me confused, the seniors kept on reiterating that we are now are the victims of the tyrannical other ethnic groups. That was so absurd. I hate the belief and stance that 'we are the oppressive majority in our own land'. Why don't we adopt and fostered the spirit of 'equality' and 'racial unity'? Put yourself in other shoes. If everyone can tolerate, believes in equal treatment, there's no such things of chaotic Hindraf 'attacked' the Eid open-house.
Back to my misery memoirs, since then I hate the seniors and it flared up with their treatment to the juniors. We were not allowed to bring cell phone (even to contact our parents). They would instantly report to the warden if we are caught using cell phone. The cellphone was not an affordable thing that everyone can buy during that time. There's only a number of students who got it. Justifying on this fact, I think their 'grudge informer' behaviours were incited by their jealousy, not of their obedience to the rules. Oh yes and I hate the rules. You have to wear socks (I don't mind that the scarf is compulsory) everytime you went out from the dorm. Every night you have to go to prep's time at classroom. You have to strictly adhere to the scheduled-time to take your meals. All these nonsenses had induced me to quit and continued in normal school. I never regret.
Some members from my family scolded me for my hasty decision. They said studying in MRSM is a stepping-stone to further your studies abroad. I would never turn back. Remember Robert Frost poem on 'The Road Not Taken?, the author was stuck in the roads diverged in the yellow wood and he chose the road which the leaves seemed fresh and there's no trail of men-paces. I resorted to his way. I was affirmed with my stance.
I believe that my alma mater was not only confined to get 'paper education'. That was the most precious time to learn about friendship, embraced your teenhood to the fullest, learning 'skills' about breaking the rules and committing mischievous things, and many other 'real education in life', all are priceless.
*I have to continue reading on my coming paper this Friday.Wish me luck.
Here's How to Watch the 2025 SAG Awards
1 hour ago
that warisan song reminds me a lot when i was in form 4..
Masa tu kat Kem Bina Negara, Meru Kelang
It compulsary for every Malaysian to attend once in a lifetime..
* PLKN tak mujud lagi pun masa tu
They did the same way, spread all the racist issues!
and terrified peoples with the fear they built themselves..
Thanks to god for gave me the sanity!
So, I refused to be one of them!
Peraturan cipta kekalutan!
orang yang xleh ikut peraturan adalah orang yang rendah tahap disiplin dia..huhuhu
i'll pray for that....semua peraturan ciptaan manusia ada masalah...manusia sedar sebenarnya akan ini semua...namun disebabkan 'influence'dari dasar kapitalis menjadikan kita terpaksa menjadi 'hamba' kepada apa saja*ini benar....bila sampai titik hujung ,tiada jalan penyelesain baru nak kembali kepada tuhan..ini silap kita tak boleh nak bangkit lagie...kita masa kedepan tapi rules manusia buat 'menjauhkan'kita kepadaNya setiap hari....kita dapat lihat kod'bangsa'kod'agama' kita maju bila kita kembali kepadaNYA..tapi ini sekadar pendapat 'saya' saja....tidak ada makna apa pun untuk golongan kapitalis sebab saya pun golongan kapitalis....;9
anasir: lame propoganda to create confusion and racial hatred among the Malays, whilst to be the pretender of the sovereign rights. bagus,you are among the people who are not easily deceived by their trap.tapi lagu warisan saya suka.:)
faridz: christopher north (american singer-songwriter) kata 'rules are made to be broken'. dan saya kata 'we are not the blind-follower'.:)
ilovebudu: hukum ciptaan manusia semuanya tak betul.:).jom tgk kelantan boys end of this month!
klu xdop peraturan lagi la masalah..dah lama dunia ni hancur.kita hidup ke x smp skrg..Xnak jd blind-follower..jom kita meramai2kan majlis agama..huhuhu
cakap pasal majlis agama,
saya rasa baik kamu betulkan apa yang kurang,
jangan tinggal smayang,
bawa kain pelikat ketika jalan-jalan di shopping mall,
singgah di RnR untuk bertemu seketika dengan-Nya ketika journey pulang ke kota bharu
kan kan kan?
good luck!
aku suka bila masuk dalam kedai memorylane...bau dalam kedai tuu...segar&tenang sangat....
hahaha..saya akan cuba memperbaiki dari semasa ke semasa..harap2 ada peningkatan dari segi tu..awak bile nak buat benda2 yang wajib?
peraturan asrama: merapatkan hubungan muka dgn penumbuk
peraturan messia : merapatkan molotov cocktail dgn atap rumoh.
peraturan mmu: peh! wat aku tok brapo nk rayo taun ni. haha~
guklak xm!
faridz: i told you before but you can't provide me a satisfying answer.we talk in person ok.
darab dua: peraturan mmu tu meme nyakit ati.huhu.hile moodraya aku tahun ni.cis hanis dh la masak sedap2 tok ajak aku gi raya.haih
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