I have this weird kampung appetite, and fortunately God's fate had brought me to meet a guy with this weird kampung appetite too. And our most favorite place to date is Kampung Baru.
Last night I went to have dinner at Food Village with my family. When I woke up in the morning and heard abah told mom that she dont have to cook for dinner that night because he's going to bring us to Food Village, I decided to skip lunch, so that I can maximized the amount of food to be consumed and load my stomach to the fullest. At Food Village, you only have to pay RM13.90 per head and you can eat as much as you want. The menu includes bbq chickn+beef+squid, vegetables, steambot, nasi goreng, mee goreng, laksa and dessert,etc. So cheap kan?
Saya lah orang yang paling frequent ulang-alik to take the food until the cashier squinted awkwardly towards me, I don't give a damn la mak cik, abah saya bayar jugak kan kan kan?
I was extremely starving like hungry ghost/ppl who suffered during famines. I ate 5 bowls of cendol for the last dessert.LOL. Anyone can't outbid me this time (including my younger sister yang pelahap sejati)
*Tips if you want to go to this place: Skip breakfast,lunch and teatime, so that you can load the maximum amount of meals. Don't feel embarrassed if people stared in a puzzled way towards you when you walked frequently to take the food.
foodvillage pun xkenal mana aku nie..sangat kecik peta...hahaha
saya masih edit2 lg entry ni.haha.ini macam kamu nampak jalan pengkalan chepa kamu go go straight aja.dont kona kona.fresh tau?malibu tau?tempat anak anak remaja kota suka lepak.pegi straight lagi.seblah kiri.nais place to bawak bawak awek jugak la.
never heard of this place before...
errr....bakpo aku xtahu nih...buke lamo sgt aku xbalik kmpg...hahaha..*jakun2*
napok supo sedak molek tuh.
tok rajin lg sapa sini.
bukok tiap2 ari ko?
tiey: line line pc.aku pn jare gi ala kok tu.tp siyes sdap glo...
darabdua:mmg sdak pung.buka tiap2 ari...tp dr 5 ptg sapa 1 pg jah...
hahahaha...likes that attitude very much!
fast foods shorten your life, isn't it?
*tengok supersize me..hehehe
hanim is a pig. hahahaa. ohya, and a terrorist as well! hahahahahaa.
enjoying the holidays? hahaa.
Cya when sem starts. :)
anasir:is it eh?i dunno about that.saya memang tak suka makan fast food.bawak saya ke kampung baru tentu saya riang gumbira.:D
alex:haha.i spend my holiday eating and eating.Do you spend your holiday climbing trees and hunting for wild boar wearing the tiger skin wrapping your body?
kedai supo kedai cina ka?..
makan sampai buncit..perkerjaan anda adalah makan sahaja..koya diet..
ilovebudu:dok ni keda mlayu laa..
faridz: haha.saya xdok istilah diet supo awk.haha.buncit tak apa apa janji hati riang.
yeah. I just killed a wild deer. wanna try? sedappppp. haha. Tiger skin is sooo outdated. Current trend: Porcupine skin! wahhaahahahahaaa
Wahhh 5 bowls of cendol??=O i never knew this other side of you!selalu dgn kita semua mkn sikit aja,kdg2 separuh aja,enggak ada habes.hehe!
btw all the foods looks tempting!
alex: porcupine skin with 'FCUK' label eh?haha.not too bad..
miss nayrell: dpn kawan2 i cover2 sikit..hahaha.nnt dicop pelahap pulak..;P..sdap jugak la..mcm johnnys sket2 steambot ngn sos die..
hahahahaaa. porcupine skin with FUCK label.
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