Friday, October 31, 2008

It's not shocking

When I woke up in the morning and read The Star Online, I came across a controversial news, RAZAK BAGINDA ACQUITTED, but the other two cops were ordered to enter their defences. I was perturbed by an assortment of feelings, but I wasn't shock as one could reasonably expect the outcome of the case due to technical defections, the most notable one is the contradicting SD.
I guess I should not make any further comments, I am not well-discerned on the sequence of the trials or the facts/area of laws involved.=)


Anonymous said...

tengah usaha cuci badan sebelum bulan 3 kots...kekekeke strategi terang terang pun xpa sebab I ada kuasa!..kekeke..what a sad & bad new for A father...kebenaran akan muncul,tapi tak tau bila...

p/s nak ke SHA approved RPK ke Court untuk jadi side pihak pendakwa?...nanti kita tengok k...kekeke

Anonymous said...

ops..sekadar komen dari aku:orang yang tak tahu apa apa...aku bukan peguam...kekeke

kalau salah fakta nanti news betulkan..hehehe

Anasir said...

jangan risau...kes ni takkan selesai...bunuh orang dengan bom..apa la sangat!

Wan Farhanim said...

ilovebudu: saya pun taktau sangat.tak ikut pun trials panjang bejela muak tengok hari hari keluar paper.haha.btw defence counsel dah suggest kan RPK dan Bala jadi saksi?Tp boleh ke nk trace si Bala tu?haha.

anasir:dah buat rayuan kan?shh.tak boleh komen lebih-lebih.

aLeX said...

true true. not shocking at all. Imagine this scenario: High profile murder case, top-ranked ppl involved, disappearing witnesses, contradictory evidence, crappy HC judges, constant change of counsels. Sure acquitted punya! Don't bother appealing. COA (Gopal Sri Ram) will reverse HC's decision and FC (Augustine Paul & Cronies) will surely overrule COA again. End of matter!

Wan Farhanim said...

alex: yes yes u're right, and now we have the son of the man who is prominent with his crappy judgment (eg:HYPOTHETICAL BRD) as CJ, passing down the legacy to his son.huh,it's pretty sure he will be acquitted again.